A couple of things before we get onto the title things.
First - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Trevor!!!! Today is DSon's 31st birthday! Not sure how that happened as I don't feel much older than that myself.
AS an explanation - he did a Foam Run (obstacles, mud and foam)
I am soooo glad I no longer have to do his laundry!!!! a couple of weeks ago. The rest of the members of his team were women so he decided a tiara was a perfect way to be "one of the girls"
or as much of a girl as a 6' 3" guy can be...
Second - Welcome to my new followers and thank you all for your comments. I am not getting email notifications of every one's comments and I don't come back to read comments here on Blogger, so if you don't hear back from me when you make a comment, it's not that I'm not paying attention to you, I never got your comment to respond to. I do appreciate each of you taking the time to read and comment on my blog.
Onto the stitchy stuff - Wednesday was the check-in for the

. Heather is hosting this SAL. Another really simple one, stitch a small and post it once a month. A small is whatever you define a small as. I've been catching up on all the ornaments in my stash. This month was no exception.
This is
Joy to the World by Little House Needleworks. Stitched on 30-count WDW Straw linen with DMC. The button is from JABCo. I am still working on her eyes. The pattern calls for french knots but they looked really wonky so I took them out and have not decided what to use.
Yesterday was the new moon, so it's time for

. Sharon at It's Daffycat hosts this SAL. Rather than a "stitch along" it's more a "save along". No stress on this one, find a jar (mine is an old
Yankee Candle jar), and save all those little bits of thread that you clip off or would have normally thrown away and same them.
Here is my June entry:
Lots of pretty threads in the jar so far this year. The piece my jar is in front of is
Strawberry Summer by Just Nan. One more band and the beading of a couple others and this will be done.
And finally, Lizzie*Kate's
Holly and Hearts was on the frame last week and I had a fair bit of progress. It went from here:
To here:
Those of you that have stitched this piece will note that there is a HUGE mistake in this one. The snowflake band is supposed to be stitched in a pinkish red. This one is mounted on the frame upside down as that fits my stitching style better, well, I had the chart upside down and the key right-side up, as the green is \ and the red is /, I mixed them up. The band was totally done before I looked at the picture of the finished piece and realized what had happened and decided I was not going to rip it all out. The similar band in part one will also be different than charted as it will be pinkish red instead of green, so it will all work out
and I will say that I personalized it...
Strawberry Summer is on the frame through tonight and I am going to push for a finish.
Secret Victorian Garden goes on the frame tomorrow. Not sure how much I will get done tomorrow as I have to finish mowing the yard - it got too hot, too fast for me to finish it today.