So much for my little brag in my last post about being all caught up. It only took a few days and I am late for two and have two more for today. Fortunately for your reading time, the pieces fit all four SALs so the post should not be too long (yeah right!!).
First up is

or Designers Everyone Should Instantly Get to Notice. It is hosted at
NCC International Headquarters. This month I'm going to highlight my favorite designer Martina Rosenburg (formerly Weber) of Chatelaine. I have
Secret Victorian Garden in my rotation right now and it is now here:
One more corner, the outside border and thousands (yes thousands) of beads and it will be done. Where to start with Martina's designs? I suppose Leonore's questions are a good place...
Have you stitched a piece by this designer before? YES!!! I have started nine other pieces (see the list in the right side bar and pictures up there in the Chatelaine WIPs tab. I have finished a number of her smaller pieces, three of her samplers and two of her large mandalas. Just tooting my horn a bit, the Caribbean mandala shown on the chart pack was a photo of mine (I think the background color has been photoshopped with black now, I did mine on African Daisy) and I won a first place and Best in Section in the Virginia State Fair for my Egyptian mandala.
Would you buy/stitch a piece by this designer again? Again YES!!! I have many, many, many of her large mandalas and a few of her smaller samplers in my stash with most of them fully kitted and ready to go. I only need more stitching time. I have not bought a new one recently but that is a function of my economic situation rather than falling out of love with her designs.
What made you chose this particular design/designer? It was a combination of color and design. Martina has an amazing eye for color. She also combines various types of threads with specialty stitches and beads and sparklies to create a feeling that evokes the design name perfectly.
Did you notice anything that distinguished this designer from others? Yes. She was the first designer that I had noticed that released a large pattern in monthly pieces. Her large mystery mandalas are her signature pieces and it was like getting a gift every month when that email showed up telling us the new part was available. The mystery aspect was also new for me. It was a leap of faith to invest the time and money into a piece that you had no information on other than a name and description. I was never been disappointed. She also has large mandalas that were released all at once for when you were feeling less adventurous. The only draw back is the price. The materials can be costly if you decide to use the called for silks and over-dyed threads. Fortunately, Martina provides a conversion to DMC which makes these much more affordable and unless you put your DMC one right next to a called-for-thread one, nobody will know that yours is the "economy" version.
From DESIGN to

, YOTA and the HAP SAL. WIPcoalypse is hosted by Melissa at
Measi's Musings, YOTA is hosted by
Pull the Other Thread and the HAP SAL is hosted by Stacy at
Crossed Stitches. All three aim to help us focus on finishing what we have already started rather than just adding to that stack of WIPs. I worked on a few pieces from the WIPcolaypse and YOTA Project tab (up there at the top) and one of them,
Shakespearean Fantasy, is my HAP SAL piece.
Shakespearean Fantasy was here when I put it up a few weeks ago:
Secret Victorian Garden, Spring in the Air and
Christmas Presence are also on the list.
Spring in the Air was finished and can be seen
here (if the link doesn't work, there is a Finishes tab up top).
Christmas Presence went from here:
To here:
Still so many stitches left just to finish the first page...
This month's WIPocalypse question is: What makes you pick up a long abandoned UFO rather than begin a new piece? Oh that is easy! Guilt! I have a total of 32 UFO/WIPs and do not need any more. Because I gravitate towards large pieces, whenever I get the urge to pull out a new Chatelaine or HAED, I look at the WIP list (I refuse to call them UFOs as I intend to finish each and every one) and the urge evaporates. I have also been able to satisfy the new start urge with smalls. I have participated in a smalls SAL for several years so I have the impetuous to finish them each month.
So much for a short post...