Here is my March offering:
It looks like some tamping is in order soon, that or a slight redistribution.
This month, the jar is sitting in front of Chatelaine's Secret Victorian Garden which saw more beading this week. I am moving along at a fair clip, so should have it done in a couple of weeks - although the center is much more heavily beaded than the area I am working on right now - so I am probably being a bit optimistic with that thought. Here's a shot of the gates, corner and path under the conservatories.
and here is a closer picture of the corner. The picture should be clickable to enlarge a bit.
While I am late with TUSAL, I am early with my

The pattern for Shakespearean Fantasy was gifted to me by Pull the Other Thread. I filled in more green this week and found a number of stitches that I missed during my first pass through the area. I think I will go to a stitch by column method rather than cross country to avoid missing any more. When I put it away Friday night, it was here:
My second gifted piece is It's About Time. Kate at Needle and Haystacks gifted me the pattern. It has been a very different experience from Shakespearean Fantasy as there is design as soon as you start stitching.
The photo is rather washed out but you can still see the wheels, hands and designs.
My last piece, Christmas Presence, is a shoehorn in that it was a freebie from the company and therefore, in my opinion, a gift. I worked on this one a bit longer than normal on Friday, but I was so close to a column finish that I didn't want to stop.
Not many columns left before page 2 is finished. Page 4 is much smaller and has fair amount already done, so I am not too far from a finish.