DSon lives in Vermont and his last text to me was that he can't remember a storm like this one. At the time it had been snowing several hours and he had 7" with up to 20" predicted (just got another text and there is just under 12" right now). Before it got too bad, he went out and made
Yep, snow angles. He figured this was so much better than getting snow down the back of his jacket and besides as you can probably tell, there wasn't that much snow at the time, so falling into it would have meant a painful thunk on the frozen ground.
Any way, onto stitching and March's
. Jo at Serendipitous Stitching hosts this SAL to give us a way to say thank you to everyone that has gifted us stitching goodness or to show off pieces that we are doing as gifts or anything you can shoehorn into the term "gift". The link will take you to the Gifted Gorgeousness page where you can find all the information you need to participate. While you're there, click around Jo has a wonderful blog and lots of beautiful stitching.

I actually have quite a lot to show so this will be picture heavy. First up is Santa and the Mouse. This is a retired freebie from Heaven and Earth Designs. It's taken from a Scott Gustafson work.
I finished two columns and another 300 or so stitches into the new one. As this was a freebie, I count it as a gift from the company/designer.
Also from Heaven and Earth Designs is Shakespearean Fantasy. This one is an adaptation of a James C. Christensen work.
I have almost finished another column. I should be able to finish the last couple of blocks and maybe start a new column on Friday. The pattern for this piece was a gift from Pull the Other Thread.
And my last HaED is It's About Time by Ciro Marchetti.
I got another 100 stitch block done. Don't know what is going on with the lines, they don't show on the piece. Oh well. The pattern for this one was gifted to me by Kate at Needles and Haystacks. If you haven't seen any of her stitching you need to check out her blog. She does the most amazing redesigns and her stitching is gorgeous. Oh and she's started designing too.
This piece is a gift to DNiece and her husband (well he will be when they open the gift). It's Sentimental Hearts from The Sweetheart Tree with one modification so far:
It's a craptastic photo as usual. The area where the saying is was lengthened a bit and the saying replaced an alphabet. I am going to replace a section a little further down with their names and the date of the wedding. Lots of beads, paillettes and heart beads finish it. Mostly DMC, but some perle coton and one Needle Necessities that was converted to a ThreadworX color.
And finally another piece that was a freebie:
This is the block from Golden Circle Designs for The Sampler Life SAL. 22 designers donated squares to the SAL, so like the HaED's freebie, I am counting it as a gift. I am aiming for a finish this month, but it seems to have taken forever to get it just this far.