Not much stitching to post about, but I do have two SAL check-ins so there is something to talk about.
First off - THANK YOU to Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. The Hubs went to the mailbox the other day and said, "Whatever you ordered is here". I was thoroughly confused because I hadn't ordered anything and said as much. He said, "Well here's an envelope of something".

The first thing that caught my attention was the postage. I didn't remember ordering anything and I definitely hadn't ordered anything from England. Flipped it over and saw this

. Brain started to work a little and I remembered I'd talked with Jo about these threads and that I should check them out, but still didn't remember ordering. It hit me then that Jo had made sure I tried them and had gifted me a skein or two. Well I was right about the gifting but not the quantity. She sent me a whole set!!

. This is the Halloween thread set - aren't they wonderful? I had been leafing through my Halloween designs thinking I needed to stitch one or two of them and now I have a beautiful thread set to do it with. Thank you again Jo.
Before I spend the day admiring the floss, I'd better move on to those SALs. The first is WIPocalypse (my computer isn't letting me copy the badge, but you can see it there on the left). Melissa at Measi's Musings hosts this SAL. A very low stress, easy SAL it is too. Just pick a few WIPs, stitch and post. She even gives us questions each month just in case we can't think of anything. This month's is very appropriate to the SAL and is "What projects are in your UFO pile?". My first thought was none as I expect to finish all my started pieces, but given that some of them are almost two decades old, I suppose they are technically unfinished objects. The list of all my started pieces is on the right there. I broke it down into Chatelaines, Other and HaEDs for no really good reason other than it made sense at the time. The pieces that I am focusing on for WIPocalypse are in my Current Rotation list and the WIPocalypse Project List and 2017 Stitching Plan tab up top there. In the last couple of weeks, I've only worked on two of the projects listed. The first is
Shakespearean Fantasy. It went from here:
to here:
Almost another column finish. One more column and I'll have a page finish. Moving along, but slowly.
The second is
A Glimpse of Santa. While it wasn't technically a WIP at the beginning of the year, I had plans to stitch it and planning is part of the process so it is squeezed into the SAL. No before photo, but it is now here:
I really do need to sit down and focus a bit more on this. It's an easy stitch and I should much more finished than I do.
The second SAL is

. The Smalls SAL is hosted by Heather at the Stitching Lotus. It's a year long celebration of all those smaller pieces that we do. We define what is small and WIP smalls count too. I am focusing on finishing up The Sampler Life SAL for this SAL. This month I finished
Gold and Purple Corner from Scarlet Suen.
One more will finish this row. I have six more pieces and the majority are not 50 X 50 as the rest have been. I think I've worked out how to fit them into the piece so they don't look too out of place.
I think my work schedule has settled down so I should be able to get back to my normal stitching schedule this week, but I think I've said that before, so please, nobody hold their breath for that.