I came home from my Philadelphia trip to a broken air conditioner. We did get a repairman out on Friday but he had to order parts and they won't be in until tomorrow. The Hubs thinks that a bigger part may have been damaged but we won't know until they get the little one fixed. If the big part is damaged it will probably be another week before they can get a replacement as the unit is on the old side. Fortunately, we have a portable air conditioner that we're using to keep one room cool. The rest of the house isn't horrible but it's not terribly comfortable either (Virginia in August is not known for its temperate weather - it's 92 right now outside and we've managed to keep the inside temperature at about 84). My stitching is in one of the not air conditioned rooms so not a lot is getting done. I've found a couple smaller pieces that I could stitch in hand, so may start them.
All is not lost on the stitching side of things and I do have a

post. Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. It allows us to say "Thank you" to someone that has gifted us stitching goodness, to show things that we are stitching as gifts or anything we can shoehorn into the definition of "gift". The one piece that I have stitched on this month is "A Glimpse of Santa" which is a gift for my niece.
I haven't much vacation time this year, but given how much is left on this piece, I am thinking about taking a few days off to just sit and stitch.
Hoping for a bit of relief from the heat, we went to Virginia Beach to visit our boat (it was nice, but not much relief) and saw this being towed:
It's hard to tell from the picture, but it's a restaurant. As I mentioned, we were off Virginia Beach and these folks were coming from the Eastern Shore so at this point they had towed this 10 to 15 miles. Oh yeah, we saw a bunch of dolphins and pelicans too.
And for those of you in the US that have no media access there's a solar eclipse tomorrow. My little corner of Virginia is not in the totality area but we are supposed to get to about 85%. I did see the total eclipse that went up the east coast in 1970 and would love to see another one, but the area closest to us will be ridiculously packed, so we're staying home. I have had no luck finding official eclipse glasses, so am going low tech to see it:
It's a pin hole projector/camera/viewer. There a piece of white paper on the inside bottom of my fancy box (no affiliation with Trader Joe's, just a happy customer), a hole in the aluminum foil there on the left (if you look to the left of the wrinkle you can see it) and the viewing hole on the right. If you'd like to make your own viewer, the directions are here.
I have not been doing much on the computer and am behind on blog reading and commenting - I may just have to say "from this day forward" as I don't know if I can go back a month and catch up on everything you all are doing.