Since my last post, I've been to New Orleans - yes we got rain from Hurricane Harvey, but no wind and no flooding (other than the room of one of our trainees - a pipe burst in the room next to his and flooded his room), been home for a couple weeks and am getting ready to head to Michigan the end of the month for a week of training. I should be done traveling for a while - probably this time next year when we get our travel and training funds - so maybe I can settle down a bit. Who am I kidding? DNiece is getting married the 20th of October and I need to make a card and get things around for that trip. Rather than just a few days of either side of the wedding, I decided to take the week on each side, so two weeks off work. Other than the travel for the wedding, I have stitching planned.
Speaking of stitching (which is what I am supposed to be doing on this blog) it is time for September's

I only have one project that fits into any of these categories (heck, I've only stitched on one thing for the last few months). It actually fits two as it is a gift for DNiece2 and the fabric was a gift from The Hubs last Christmas. Here is A Glimpse of Santa from The Stoney Creek Collection.
It is stitched on 28-count Antique White Monaco with DMC threads. After a bit of a translation problem, I am moving right along. The translation problem was - I couldn't figure out what these symbols meant:
It's a horrible picture, but see those double symboled stitches? My first thought was printing error, so I started stitching those areas in regular cross stitch. Then I decided there was too much of it to be an error so tweeding was my next thought. There were no colors represented by that symbol. Read and re-read the directions, double checked that I had downloaded all the pages, swore a bit and then figured out that they were half stitches slanting in the direction of the slash. Nothing in the directions mentioned this little tidbit of information. Maybe it's a peculiarity of this company's patterns, I haven't stitched enough of them to know, and they assume you know it, but I sure didn't and I wasted several hours stitching, figuring it out, and removing the stitches I had already done.
Need to throw a load of laundry into the washer and then hopefully settle into some decent stitching time this afternoon and evening.