While doing everything else today, I'm also participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count. Easy and fun, you don't have to just sit and stare at birds, if you see one while you're out and about you can log it. Mom had four roughed grouse make an appearance for the count - I don't have anything as neat as that, but the regular ol' "background" birds need counting too. If you're interested, the count runs through tomorrow, click on the link and register.
Yaaaaa, I've made a SAL check-in! Yesterday was the official check-in day for

My non-stitching piece is a crocheted hat for DSon. I've been working on it off and on and am about ready to start the ribbing.
It's a horrible picture, but it looks like a hat. The bobby pin hanging down there in the center is my fancy stitch marker/holder (not as fancy as a lot I've seen but much cheaper and I don't worry if I lose one).
No other stitching to show. I'm still doing lots of card planning - I may take tomorrow morning and do some test cards so I can get rid of the scribbley drawings - and I bought some paint so I can give the dot mandalas a try. I've also jumped on the 2016 bandwagon and have pulled the yarns together to do a crocheted temperature throw. If nothing else I'll get lots of practice changing yarn colors.
And last, but definitely not least, a Jack photo:
He is, so far, a very happy, contented baby. I just wish folks thought my chunky thighs were as cute as his.