So what's happened since I posted back the beginning of March? Yikes, I think this is the longest I've ever gone without posting. This is one of the reasons I don't take anyone off my blogroll even if they haven't posted in years - they might start again and I don't want to miss it.
I've been to Michigan for Jack's baptism. He pretty much smiled through the whole thing. There was a quinceanera at the same time so quite the festive day at St. Kenneth's. I'll be heading back in two weeks for Dad's remembrance. Dad's funeral was in his home town so about three hours from where they've lived the last 30 years. Many of my parent's friends are snowbirds so weren't in the area for the funeral or it was just too far for them to drive for the day, so Mom decided to do a remembrance luncheon in the spring there.
Of course I have Jack pictures:
Isn't this the best pacifier ever?
*sigh* they grow up so fast ;-) |
This is my niece's dog Winston. And yes, those eyes let him get away with a lot!
One trip did not take up all my time, so what have I been doing? I honestly can't tell you not because it's a secret but I just don't remember. I seem to be doing a lot of planning and arranging and planning some more. Keeps my busy but doesn't accomplish a lot.
I have worked on the temperature throw a bit and have finished January! Only 10 weeks behind. I did a lot of thinking about how to mark the months. Originally I was going to do a row of black but decided I didn't really need to add 12 more rows to an already huge blanket so decided to do 10 stitches at the beginning and 10 at the end of the row.
Here's the whole piece - sorry for the glare. There's a row of white and a row of light beige and I could not get it to photograph well (for those interested white means that the high was below 0 (that's Fahrenheit) and the light beige is 0 to 5 so a couple of really cold days. It's mostly been in the low- to mid-30s.
Here's close up of the beginning of the row and you can sort of see the difference between the colors in the previous two rows:
I have also been working on the Savannah Sampler:
The turtle and one more block and the stitching will be finished. Then a ton of back stitching. I need to get through this one as I had a call from my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law is expecting twin boys the end of August so need to get busy on something for them. I probably won't stitch anything but crochet still takes me a lot of time.
I just thought of something! It's not too late to include this post for the
check-in! Yaaaaa!! Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching and is a way to thank the people that have given us stitching goodness or to show the things we are giving as gifts. You can jump in at anytime.

This weekend is also
. So snuggle up with your stitching and enjoy a guilt-free weekend/day/hour of stitching.
I have this photo on my computer screen at work. It's hard to have a bad day with this face looking at you (stressed, yes, but not bad)