It's time for April's WIPocalypse posting.

Measi at
Measi's Musings has hosted WIPocalypse for the last three years. If you click on the block you should be taken to the information page and you'll get all the information you need to participate. This year, in addition to theme months
which I pretty much ignore, Measi has provided some questions
which I do try to keep up with. This month's question is how do we organize our stash? A few years ago, I would have said, "In the craft room", but when I moved to Virginia, I went from a craft room to sharing a room with The Hubs and his computer. There was 30+ years of crafting supplies in that craft room in New Hampshire and I wasn't sure where it was going to fit in our new home here in Virginia. It was pretty unorganized the first few months or so (read in boxes all over the house and basement) but then I took the doors off the closet, and put curtains up to use as a display board:
And put shelves up and filled the closet up:
The top shelf has my quilting supplies, the next shelf down has my beading supplies (behind the curtain on the left) and some project boxes. The fabric is on pants hangars and labeled with fabric color, count and the project it is for. The colored boxes in the middle there have Carriage House Samplings, Shepherd's Bush and Prairie Schooler patterns. I use a lot of those scrapbook storage boxes for my needlework. I have several 6-drawer Iris storage carts that I use for both paper crafting and cross stitch storage. For my cross stitch, I put one project per drawer (the drawers are actually storage boxes that slide into the cart), so when I'm ready to stitch on that project, I pull it out and have my pattern, fiber, beads and fabric all in one place. The rest is for paper crafting and rubber stamping. This is the after, before, it was rather a hodgepodge - now it is just messy.
After another year or so, I bought an Expedit bookcase from Ikea and moved a bunch of stuff out of the closest and the packing boxes from the basement and got this:
The drawers hold my sewing supplies, the two tan baskets have my printed Chatelaine patterns, lots of beading, sewing, stitching patterns, crafting paper, floss and fibers and craft books and magazines fill up the rest of it. The baskets on the right have my knitting supplies and some mending that needs to be done.
I then bought these units from Michaels for my kitted patterns, my DVDs, assorted papers and The Hubs' books and game manuals:
And that's where I keep my craft stash.
I have four projects left from my original WIPocalypse list, Santa's Magic, Elegant Doily, Secret Victorian Garden and Three Tulips.
I had a finish this month on Three Tulips. It went from here:
Santa's Magic was here at the March WIPocalypse:
and here for this one:
Secret Victorian Garden
and Elegant Doily went from here:
to here: