It is the third weekend of the month and that means

I started my weekend a little early and have stitched on three pieces already. Fortunately for me and my inability to keep up with my blog the three pieces also fit into my

You haven't heard of Gifted Gorgeousness either? Oh my. Well, you can find out everything you need to know and sign up on Jo's blog, Serendipitous Stitching. This SAL gives us an opportunity to thank those wonderfully generous stitchers that have gifted us with patterns, fabric, threads or anything else stitching related. We can also highlight pieces we are giving as gifts.
The first of my three pieces is It's About Time by Cireo Marchetti and charted by Heaven and Earth Designs. The pattern was gifted to me by Kate at Needles and Haystacks.
I think I will have a column finish soon.
Yesterday afternoon I worked on Christmas Presence by Myles Pinkney, also charted by HAED.
The pattern was given as part of the 2015 HAED SAL, so I'm counting as a gift from the designer/company. Not sure if what I put in is woodwork or curtain shadow but it did fill in very quickly.
Last night I worked on Shakespearean Fantasy and yes, it's another HAED. The pattern was a gift from Pull the Other Thread.
Yes, more black. I have the rest of this column and then a partial column and I will have a page finish. This piece more than the others show me that my rotation is working as it took almost a year for my first page finish and this one will have taken about six months. I know that's not stellar speed compared to lots of folks, but it is only out for a couple hours a week, so not too bad. I do need to work on my rotation and get these large pieces worked into it somehow, but I will probably leave that for next year as I plan to have all the obligation stitching out of the way by the end of this year.
Just Nan's Christmas Soldiers will be on the frame for the rest of today and tomorrow afternoon. I have to decide which smalls piece I will pull out as I would like to have a finish this month and I do still have enough time to start and finish a small piece.
Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Christas Prescence must be nearly done?
So pleased that your rotation is working well for you this year. It's nice to see visible progress.
I'm having the same, exact problem posting to my blog! I take the photos, and write the post in my head and then ptttth...
Lovely progress, glad rotation is working, I'm hopeless with them no matter how hard I try.
I'm with you too on the blog posting! As long as we're still stitching eh?
I love the shading on the Marchetti piece and as a neat freak I'm glad your black background is meeting up with those little green fairies!
Very nice progress, Susan! Enjoy the sunshine and the rest of your weekend!
Great progress! Everything looks gorgeous!
I'm glad you're still finding the time to post and update us with your awesome progress! You're getting along so well on your three HAEDs, I don't know how you're doing it working on three at once :)
Good progress on all 3 HAEDs.
Great progress! What lovely projects to be working on.
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