I had dreams of massive amounts of stitching progress during my weeks working from home; however, last week was more famine than feast. I was so much more tired after the surgery than I had anticipated that I was thrilled to stay awake until 9:00. Because the surgery was laparoscopic and the incision was in my belly button, there is no visible evidence of me having had surgery; therefore, in my mind there was no surgery. If I have to have surgery in the future, I'm going to ask for a big, ol' bandage so that it at least looks like I had something done and will maybe remember that I'm supposed to be taking it easy have to say I'm still trying to figure out how they got my gallbladder out through that tiny cut.
Back to Gifted Gorgeousness. I have three Heaven and Earth Designs pieces that fit in the SAL, Shakespearean Fantasy, It's About Time, and Santa and the Mouse. I don't have any progress to show since my last post, but the background of how these fit in the SAL is: Shakespearean Fantasy's pattern was a gift from Pull the Other Thread; It's About Time's pattern was a gift from Kate at Needles and Haystacks; and, Santa and the Mouse is a retired freebie from HaED so I'm counting it as a gift.
I have two gifts for other people, Sentimental Heart from The Sweetheart Tree is a wedding gift for DNiece and A Glimpse of Santa from Stoney Creek is a Christmas gift for DNiece-to-be and the fabric was a gift from The Hubs this past Christmas (he bought me a 10-yard bolt of 28-count antique white Monaco - okay I found it, bought it and gave it to him to wrap). Here is Sentimental Heart again
My last SAL piece is Gold and Purple Corner from Scarlet Suen. This is another freebie, this time from The Sample Life SAL:
Now that I am not quite so tired, I hope to get more evening stitching done this week.