So, in my last post I mentioned crafting - here's part of what I did for the holidays.
For my nephew, I made this shirt:
He's a research chemist so when I saw the design in Cricuit Design Space I knew I had to make it.
I did finish and get all three sets of Christmas ornaments finished and mailed out (and they were all delivered by the 1st of December so they really could be used for a countdown). Here's the book that went along with the ornaments I showed in a previous post. This is the cover (the decorator paper was perfect)
and here are the first two pages:
I made a bunch of Thanksgiving cards this year (two of each design) and really enjoyed working with a fall color scheme and some new die sets:
And I finished the Christmas cards:
My parents have partridges that come around their house occasionally - they are no where near as colorful as this one.
I also made two altered alarm clocks. I didn't take a picture of either one, but here is the inspiration piece:

I plan to make several more of these in the future and will take a photo of at least one.
The Hubs and I had a quiet Christmas this year. And the cats celebrated Boxing Day. Well, Salem's version of Boxing Day:
As the last Sunday of the month/year, it's

and at the end of the last stitching round, it was here:
The second piece was Japanese Zen Garden by Chatelaine. On January 1st, it was here:
and today it's here:
Next year's stitching plan isn't going to be too very different from this although I do have to finish up the baby announcement sampler which has seen some stitching time. It went from here:
to here:
And of course, Jack will need a Christmas stocking although he doesn't seem to be too excited by that thought:
I appreciate all of you sticking around and reading my blog despite my erratic posting. I do hope to get back into a regular schedule of it in 2019.