So, WIPocalypse? Yep, WIPocalypse. It started way back in 2012 when we made a list of all the projects we wanted to finish before the world ended. The world stayed in one piece but the SAL continued. WIPocalypse is hosted by Melissa at Measi's Musings and helps you focus on finishing up those WIPs that have been hanging around for a while a while? I've got WIPs going that were started when DSon was in high school (he'll be 37 this summer). Knowing that sometimes a discussion theme can be difficult to come up with, Melissa provides a prompt each month. This month's is: What SALs are you participating in this year? I have had to scale back my SAL participation drastically over the years - I just don't have the time to devote to stitching right now that would allow me to do a School of Magical Stitches type SAL - so I tend to gravitate towards the ones that reinforce something I'm trying to do - finish WIPs, stitch gifts, etc.. WIPocalypse and Gifted Gorgeousness fit that requirement perfectly. The other type of SAL I tend to do is the "I have to have that pattern and it's being released over 12 months - of course I can keep up" - of course I can't keep up that's why I have so many WIPs and can continue participating in WIPocalypse for the next 20 years - of that type of SAL, I'm doing the Time for Seasons SAL from By the Bay Needleart. I love Donna's designs, but as expected, I'm behind - part 3 has been released and I'm about 1/4 way through part 1. The other one I really want to join is the Lesley Teare Designs Birds and Blackwork Flowers through Creative Poppy. I love the bright colors and whimsical birds and flowers. Do I have time? Of course not. Do I do blackwork? Nope, and I hate backstitching although Leonore's comment that each section is like a small finish helps, none of that is stopping the "I must stitch this" thought every time I see it.
In addition to WIPocalypse, this weekend was the first 24 hours of cross stitch - an amped up version of IHSW - for 2020. I had great plans to fit my 24 hours over the entire weekend, but we've all heard about plans right? The house stuff took longer on Friday than expected, and the errands on Saturday took longer than expected so I came up about 8 hours short of a full 24 hours of stitching. I did learn a valuable lesson - do all the housekeeping and errands before starting the next 24 I think in April.
My brain wanted to stitch, not bead so nothing new on J. I did my usual hour each on Temperature Tree and Time for Seasons.
Temperature Tree went from here:
I have got to get busy on the branches as the leaves are catching up fast.
Time for Seasons went from here:
to here:
I was having some issues stitching this one - progress was slow and I wasn't really having a good time stitching it. I tried a bunch of different things and finally changed my needle and the problems went away. Once I got used to the size difference - I was using a John James petite and switched to a Bohin - stitching sped up and I started to really enjoy the process.
Magic Dreams. Boy. was my focus piece and I put 14 hours into it (keeping track of time is a new thing for me this year).
I started with it here on Friday:
and it was here Sunday evening:
I had a minor frog attack and had to redo a chunk of the fluke but I am happy with my progress. I am a bit concerned that the background is going to really slow me down - there are stars and LOTS of individual stitches in white and light blue which means any carried thread will show. I am thinking of buying some dark/black interfacing and putting that on the back before stitching the background in the hope that it will cover any carried threads or longer tails. Has anyone done that? Did it make it difficult to frame although I'm not sure how it's going to be finished-finished? Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated.