The photo is a bit washed out, but given the issues mentioned in my previous post, my crappy photography skills are probably a good thing.
And I have a finish!! I was digging around in the bill pile of all places and found this:
Grandfather's Sleigh from Shakespeare's Peddler Unknown 40-count over-dyed fabric and threads |
I started it earlier this year and had set it aside and promptly forgotten where I put it well it certainly didn't belong in the bill pile so why would I have looked there?!?!!?. All I had left to stitch was "Emma", the greenery at the bottom, the candy canes and the year so instead of stitching what I had planned, I decided a finish was in order. Everything, except the sleigh, is over-1. That normally doesn't bother me but this is done on a 40-count overdye so it was probably closer to 42- or over 43-count. I don't know what the fabric or threads are as this came as a kit I pulled it out of a clearance basket at In Stitches a while back. It was marked down from $14.00 USD to $2.00 USD!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am really glad that I chosse to stitch Castles in The Air and the beautiful yellow flowers are only a small part of the big picture.
Wow your in Ruther Glen my niece is buying a house at Ruther Glen, small workd.
Lovely stitching! Lol on the lost WIP being in the bill pile :-)
LOL!! I'm so glad to hear about your misplaced forgotten item! I was feeling pretty good ... until I saw the spider. I saw the post title and thought it was a Halloween design! She is beautiful, but I could never get that close. I'm impressed!
LOL--well, I would much rather find stitching in my bill pile than all the bills! I'm glad to hear that somebody else does stuff like that. ;) Lovely stitching!
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