The house is full of the scent of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg - I do wish I liked pumpkin pie as it smells so good. I normally host Thanksgiving, but this year DMIL didn't feel up to the drive over, so they are hosting and I am bringing the pie. It does feel strange not to be spending the day in the kitchen prepping but I did buy a turkey that I will cook this weekend as we like the leftovers so will still get to cook the big meal.
As we're getting towards the end of the year, I am deep in the planning stage for next year's stitching - yes, I do go into each year with a plan, I just tend to get waylaid - and was pretty happy with what I had come up with, when I got a text from DNephew's girlfriend showing a very pretty engagement ring. No date set, but do have to get started on some sort of wedding sampler and a Christmas stocking. I also expect that DNiece will be engaged in the not so distant future so another stocking is in the works. I already purchased the materials and pattern for her sampler (we all thought she'd be engaged long before her brother worked up the nerve). So while my original plans are out the window, I'm not terribly upset. I will use the rest of this year to try to finish up the things I'm close to finishing and next year will be primarily stitching for the soon-to-be families.
But all of that is in the future and right now, I have stitching and SALs to post about. While it has been cancelled, a quick Stitch From Stash update, I spent $7.64 for floss to finish kitting
Its About Time this month. That keeps me in the black, but as I will be purchasing fabric and floss for stockings before the end of the year, my budget will be completely blown.
One I have done a little better with is

. The Smalls SAL is hosted by Heather at
Stitching Lotus and is an incentive to give some of those smaller projects some love. I am using The Sampler Life's SAL as my smalls piece each month. This month's is
Sampler Motif from Wendy KC Designs:
and here is the entire piece:
I also jumped onto the Plum Street Samplers
2015 Sunday Mystery SAL and they are smalls if stitched individually, so I am counting each finish as a small finish. As of today, it is here:
Stitched on 40-count Vintage Autumn Gold from Lakeside Linen with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe threads |
I am having a terrible time getting a good picture of this one but will keep trying.
Assuming Heather continues hosting this SAL, I will definitely continue with it into 2016.
The next SAL that I will continue into 2016, again assuming hosting continuation, is

WIPocalypse is hosted by Melissa at
Measi's Musings and reminds us to love the projects we've already started before we start a new one - that is really so much harder than it sounds. While my 2016 will have several new starts, I will also keep working on those WIPs. Melissa provides us with topics or questions each month and this month's is: Which designer has inspired you to stitch the greatest number of designs and why do you think that is? That isn't as easy an answer as I first thought and it really depends on when in my stitching journey you look. If you look at completed and kitted/stashed, it would be Just Nan. I enjoy her use of color and her designs but I haven't bought a new design in 15 years, so she isn't my current muse. My current inspiration is Chatelaine. I also enjoy her use of color, but where Just Nan stayed within a certain palette, Chatelaine changes hers to best reflect the theme of the design. Her designs are still very unique in the market. I have seen a few mandala style pieces, but none with the amount of detail, specialty stitches or beading that Martina puts into hers. Finally, it is a thrill to finish one of her pieces. With Just Nan or others, it's more "I'm done" and on to the next. With a Chatelaine it's "I did it" and you just sit and look at it for days.
Since my last WIPocalypse post, I have had progress on all three pieces that I showed in October. First up is
Shakespearean Fantasy. In October it was here:
and today it is here:
I am thinking of putting this on the frame and finishing that column of black this afternoon.
Christmas Presence has been the most problematic WIP for me this month. It was here when I showed it in October:
and today it is here:
Yes, rather than throw it out, I finished the page! I downloaded EZPdf reader and spent several hours, highlighting all the stitches that were missing and then filling them in. It proved MUCH easier digitally than on paper. I will most likely go back to paper for the rest of the design, but will keep the digital option open. I do hope to finish the bottom page this week.
And my final WIPocalypse is
Secret Victorian Garden by Chatelaine, In October, it was here:
And today it is here:
I need to get this one back on the frame and really make a push to finish it. I am off today and tomorrow, working a half day on Friday and off next week. In between Christmas baking for DSon and card making, I hope to make good progress on this.
Happy stitching.