Pardon the ironing board cover - it's been crafted on a lot and I really should get a new one. The border and backing fabric is the same and is really a very deep, rich red. This picture was taken right after I put the pillow form in so it's a bit wonky. I've been pushing and pulling to get it to fill the corners so it looks a bit better today.
Saturday I had to do the usual grocery run and finish up the laundry. For some reason I had the urge to start another project - I really do have to try to tamp that down as I do need to finish some of my WIPs. So I pulled out Poinsettia Fairy by Reuben McHugh and charted by Charting Creations. Not much of a start but it was fun. Here's what it will look like done:

This is 28-count white Monaco 1 over 1. I'm trying the stitching on the diagonal that seems to be the rage right now. It's okay. I'm not sure I"m any faster stitching this way, but it's kind of fun doing something new and please excuse that cat hair in the middle of the picture - it looks like Salem or Spot's.
Speaking of new:
Grady is just so stinkin' cute. He (and Mom and Dad) are doing well. I leave Friday for Michigan and will be meeting him Saturday morning.
Speaking of cute:
You just have to have your Starbucks (or Starbucks cup) when you go grocery shopping. Not sure if I'll see Jack Friday but sure will at Sunday dinner.
We found out this week that Jack's going to have a sister come the end of June! Everyone is so excited and can't wait to meet her. It's fun to go baby shopping right now as you can buy boy and girl clothes and not moan that all the cute stuff is for the other. :-)
So back to stitching...
I worked on Magic Dreams Saturday evening and again on Sunday. I didn't do my usual rotation as I really do want to get it finished before Grady is 16 and I'd spent more time than planned on errands and Poinsettia Fairy. I'm happy to report that the whale is almost done:
I am still contemplating the best way to deal with all the individual white and light blue stitches on the background. All that's left on the whale is that little bit of the belly and another fin. After that the moon, background stars and LOTS of backstitching. I think I'm going to put Grady's name and birth information on the lower right side of the piece just off the flipper.
And I had another finish - not stitching but crochet. I couldn't find anywhere to get a good picture, but the first Kaleidoscope Shawl is done. I'll try to get a picture and will post it later. This one is a Christmas gift for one of the nieces. I have yarn to do two more - one for the other niece and one for my MIL.
As I mentioned, I'm heading to Michigan for the weekend, and I'm not planning on taking any stitching with me. I will be taking some yarn as I have to decide on and hopefully start a baby blanket.